咨询热线 13305008725


发布时间:2018-08-05 18:53:11

Hi everyone, I’m Josh, The head teacher at NDI. I’m from a small town in Canada, and I’ve always wanted to see the world. I became interested in China due to a game based on a famous Chinese novel, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and I thought teaching English would give me an opportunity to see and learn more. Now, I’ve been living in China and working at NDI for about 7 years now, and I’m having a great time. I haven’t had a chance to see all the places I want to see, and I don’t plan to leave until I do.

As head teacher, you will probably see me at all of the centers around Wuhan, but I will be spending most of my time at Wuguang branch. I have more responsibilities now, But I will still be teaching a couple of classes every week, and hopefully at every branch, so I can get to know all the teachers and students well. If you have a problem with English and you see me around, or if you just want to talk, feel free to come say hello!