好培训网合作机构 > 学校机构 > 厦门泛扬英语欢迎您!

咨询热线 13305008725


发布时间:2018-05-10 06:55:07

Hi, I am Soddy。I have been working in this industry for almost ten years. Ten years ago,I was just a graduate, fresh out of university Now I am an experienced teacher, a helpful friend of my students, a mother.

When we give some task our very best, we savor the contentment of a job well done. Life gives us a secret garden of all that is rare and beautiful inside ourselves. We must only find a way to open the door and discover it.

Learning English is not an unachievable goal. As long as you use your time wisely and make your decision right now. And then just go for it. Be yourself, be confident ,be better。

Hi, 我是Soddy。 教育培训行业从业10年。 10年前, 我还是是一个初出茅庐的大学毕业生。 现在的我是学员的良师益友, 也是一位妈妈。只有我们做事尽心尽力, 才会有好的结果。每个人都有自己的价值,所以不要妄自菲薄。 学习英语并非遥不可及。关键是如何高效的实用时间,是否当下下定决心。然后心无旁骛的为之努力。让我们做自己, 更自信,活更好。