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Conversational English Training

Buckland provides the conversational English Training to the K-12 students and adults.We have over 100 ESL teachers teaching aboutstudents in 45 Buckland franchise schools all over China every year.

TES0L Training Course

TES0L Course is provided for our new teachers on February and August every year, includes:

1. Foreign Language Experience.

2. Language Awareness.

3. Student Profile.

4. Teaching Techniques.

5. Teaching Practice and 0bservation.

Chinese Language Course

Buckland offers courses on Chinese language course for all levels, from beginner to expert. 0ur Chinese tutors speak good English making the study of Chinese far more accessible. The course directs learning towards success in the internationally recognised HSK examination (Huaiyu Shuiping Kaoshi - Chinese Level Exam) which tests the reading, writing, listening and speaking ability of the student.

English Training for Chinese Teachers

Every Summer and Winter, there are many Chinese teachers from different schools ing to Buckland Yangshuo and Boao teachers' training center for joining in the bilingual teachers training courses, which its improve their English and teaching methods. (see the picutures)

Chinese Culture Courses

1.Chinese Painting

Chinese Painting has an ancient tradition of excellence and the scenery surrounding Yangshuo and Guilin has been depicted by many famous Chinese painters through history. The Guanxi region has long been a mecca for followers of traditional Chinese art because of its fantastic and dramatic scenery.

2. Chinese Tai Chi

Tai Chi can be tailored to the students individual requirements, depending on how far they wish to take their studies and which type of Tai Chi they choose.

3. Chinese Cooking

Chinese Cooking is renowned world-wide for its use of a huge variety of ingredients and spices. prehensive Chinese cookery courses are offered by Buckland allowing the student to bee proficient in the use of ingredients, spices and implements special to the Chinese culinary art.


欧文中英文书院是巴克兰海外教育集团旗下的一所以英语培训为主的中英文培训学校,书院设有英语培训部、美国TES0L培训部,中文培训部(面向外籍人士);书院同时也是集团外籍教师培训基地。2009年初,美国TES0L(American TES0L Institute)欧文中英文书院为其培训来华外籍教师,对于培训合格的外籍老师,将颁发国际认证的TES0L证书。
欧文中英文书院成立城2004年,地处山青水秀,风景如画的阳朔。阳朔作为中国知名的旅游名城,每年接待30000多外国游客。阳朔常驻外宾达800人以上,被誉为中国大的“洋人街”、大的英语角、真正的“地球村”。这种学习语言的氛围,使得阳朔的小商小贩老大妈卖玫瑰花的小姑娘都要能用纯正地道的英语和老外做生意、聊天。书院依托阳朔的语言环境,致力于创造一种佳的英语学习和运用环境,从听与说入手,采用全封闭,超小班,超强度强化训练, 让人整天浸泡在纯英语的环境中,迅速突破英语口语关。

  • 学校名称:桂林欧文书院


    授课地址:广西桂林阳朔大村门别墅区555号 免费参观